Android v/s ios Which is the Best ?
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In the present modern world, Technology is growing day by day. Mobile phones/smart phones are now not just limited to making calls but it has extended its features. It has changed our lives consistently, by helping us in many ways like chats, videos, TV, Web Browsing, etc., This can be done only by different Operating Systems(OS) like Android, Ios, Symbion, Blackberry, Etc., Actually what is an Operating system ? lets take a look
What is an Operating System ?
An operating system is a software which allows programs to run on a computer/smart phones. It acts as an interface between user and hardware where users can directly interact with operating system through user interface like Graphical User Interface(GUI).
In the world of mobile phones/smart phones, we have different OS each having their pros and cons, but the leading and giant OS are Android and ios
Features of Android :
Android is the operating system (os) developed by google and OHA for Smartphones and tablets. OHA is the open handset alliance which was started by 84 companies like HTC, Samsung, ebay, intel, etc., led by google. Android is the open source platform where anyone can customize, change the user interface, modify, alter and present their own applications suiting to their tastes. Android’s original version is referred to as "Stock Android" preferred by Android community. Stock android explains how an Android OS should be
Android is popular for its free and open source os platform. It is of low cost and customized even for high tech devices. Android applications can be downloaded from "Google play store" which has over 2.7 million apps. Android provides SDK (Software Development Kit) for software development through which developers develops their apps. Developer has to pay $25 as registration fees only for first time. Android apps are programmed by C, C++ and Java
Android Pros and Cons :
- The best part about Android is 'Many options, Many choices'.
- Android’s open source provides you to experience the cheapest as well as most expensive hundreds of gadgets.
- Users can download games, apps, etc, for free of cost.
- Google now the latest advancements which helps you in predicting what you want or what next has to be done.
- The worst thing about Android is about Open fragmentation and delay in software updates.
- The free for all ‘Google play store’ has dropped down the store with malware and fake apps.
Features of iOS :
ios is the proprietary operating system developed by Apple. ios is the os for Apple ipad, iphones, pro tabs and mac. ios allows you to download only those apps which are approved by them, due to its proprietary and closed platform. Unlike Android not everyone can customize or modify accordingly. It can be done only through ‘Jailbreaking’. Jailbreaking is the process of removing software restrictions imposed by apple.
ios provides Software Development Kit (SDK) for 3rd party app to develop their applications, but initially developer has to pay $99 every year to publish their apps in app store. it has to undergo the approval test by ios itself as ios believes in creating and providing quality apps to its users. ios apps and games can be downloaded from Apple App store which has over 2.2 million ios apps. ios are programmed using Objective-c.
ios pros and cons :
- The best part of ios is the timely upgrade and updates to old devices.
- Due to its closed source platform, chances of fragmentation and malpractices are less.
- Siri is the latest innovation by ios which helps in virtual assistants, which does the basic tasks like waking up, sets alarm or play a song
- The worst part of ios is approval is required each time when you make the app.
- Due to its closed source platform, experiences of different devices are limited
- ios is limited to only Apple devices like ipad, iphone, mac, etc,which in turn limits customisability.
It’s not so simple to decide as of who rules the mobile tech either the android’s fragmented openness or ios closed platform, each has their own pros and cons. With two highly capable Operating systems it lies with the users as of which OS has to be chosen amongst two. The most important is whether it meets all needs of the users while buying a phone.