Difference between Static website and Dynamic website
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How to choose static or dynamic website
There are number of websites in the market. The choice of selecting static or dynamic website is critical and hence crucial. When compared changes to static website can be done only by persons who have knowledge of web development. Dynamic websites are used where content changes frequently on run time.
Now a day’s promotion of a business via Internet has become a general thing.The most common question will arise from clients about cost to develop a website. why the cost of some website Cheap to develop? Is it depend on website or web developer ? the simple answer is 80percent cost depends on choosing the type of website little bit cost change on market demand of web developer.
The brief explanation to get an idea to choose which type of website you require for your business or organization....
Two types of websites are: Static and Dynamic each one have different features
What are Static Websites?
<div style=""float:" right"="">
'Static' means informative sites, these websites once created, remain unchanged. In a static website each page is a detached article and there is no database to represent it. These types of web pages are written in HTML codes only. To make any corrections or editing on these kinds of websites you need to it with the HTML codes only at the back end of the website.They can only be edited with the help of template based and text editors or pay your web developer to make updates for you. Visitor can't change content of website.(login registration will not be there). ex.W3schools
What are Dynamic Websites?
A dynamic website is written using more complex code — such as PHP or ASP — and has a greater degree of functionality. For instance, many dynamic websites can be controlled by a content management system. This means that you will potentially be able to make updates without needing any knowledge of HTML or any website software.
Each page of a dynamic website is generated from information stored in a database or external file. And the content management system that you may use to maintain your website directly modifies this stored information.
ex.facebook(Facebook is a dynamic website ,when ever we login,it will access the database to retrieve user specific information.)
Advantages of static websites
- Quick / Cheap to develop
- Cheap to host
Disadvantages of static websites
- Requires web developer to update site
- Site not as useful for the user
- Content can get stagnant
Advantages of dynamic websites
- Much more functional website
- Much easier to update
- New content brings people back to the site and helps in the search engines
- Can work as a system to allow staff or users to collaborate
Disadvantages of dynamic websites (but really they are not considered as a disadvantages)
- Take time / expensive to develop
- Hosting costs a little more
Which type of website should we choose - Static or Dynamic?
Many people prefer dynamic websites because they have a lot of benefits. Dynamic sites reduce ongoing maintenance costs, make data management very efficient, and enable the addition of any future addons such as data feeds or a comprehensive site search. They also make it impossible to destroy the layout, as might happen if you edit it from a web page editor.
There are some drawbacks to using dynamic websites. First, they usually cost more to develop, because they require more complex coding, as well as the development of a content management interface to enable you to maintain your website. Second, you will need to obtain web hosting which supports databases and dynamic languages. Fortunately, most hosts do offer these features by default.
If you realize that you do want a dynamic website which will enable you to maintain your own content, you can save costs by opting for a website that is only partly dynamic. For example, certain pages such as ‘About Us’ or ‘Contact Us’ pages can be static, whereas galleries or product catalogues can be dynamic. Also, consider opting for an open source CMS.
However selecting which type of website we want depends even on type of business we run and also on services we provide
To determine which type is best for your website, and also consider asking your web developer for their opinion on which would be suit for your business/organization.