Is SSL compulsory to any website?
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What is SSL (Secure sockets layer) ?
One of the most important things in today’s online business is security. SSL secures millions of website’s data everyday. SSL is the standard security system, for establishing encrypted links between website and a browser. It is accessible in allowing Private information passed on without any problems like data tampering, message forgery,etc.,creating secured connections between server and browser, because the information has to be passed from computer to computer to reach destination server.
SSL is developed by Netscape, an encrypted technology in 1990’s. To have a SSL connection, SSL certificate is necessary. SSL is visualised in green color in address bar with lock icon, to know to web servers as well as visitors that their connection is secured and safe. SSL connections starts with url https:// instead of http:(hypertext transfer protocol). Secure-https and SSL are protocols approved by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as one of the standardised secured technologies
What is SSL certificate ?
SSL certificate is the data file that is installed on server for secured transactions between server and browser. It is the encrypted authentication issued to browser for safeguarding in transmitting private documents via internet. As Lock icon is symbol of SSL, there are primarily 2 keys. one is public and another one is private key. Public key is known to everyone while private key is the secret key only known to intended recipient/browser. They both work together for encryption of link.
What is the Process of getting SSL certificate ?
Firstly to get a certificate you need to generate a CSR-Certificate Signing Request. It generally asks the common questions like CO. name, location, country, key type and key size. Send CSR file to SSL certificate issuer called as Certificate Authority (CA) who also contains public key. CA uses the data file to create a data structure to match the private key with public key. CA then validates and issues SSL certificates. It is only after the proper authentication SSL certificates are issued to companies
How does SSL works ?
- Initially when a browser tries to connect to a website through SSL, browser will request server to identify itself
- Server then sends a copy of SSL certificate
- Browser verifies whether it is trustworthy or not,
- If so, then sends a message to server.
- Server sends a digitally signed acknowledgement to start a SSL version
- Thus the encrypted data is shared between browser and server only
Why do I need SSL ?
- SSL majorly helps in preventing hackers in tampering data between browser and server.
- It is specially designed to protect site from hackers on malware practices .
- The secretive date like credit card information, usernames, passwords, email, voice, voice IP, file transmission is seen only by the browser who owns the website
- To secure hosting control panel logins like parallel, cpanel, etc.,
Disadvantages of SSL :
Every coin has two sides the same is in case of SSL
- Pricing is an obvious reason for any browser to look on to it
- With the increase in competition in industry and with introduction of new providers in ssl certificate it’s hard to find out as of who is trustworthy
What are the different types of SSL certificates ?
In recent times there are various SSL certificates and certificate providers. Every certificate and CA is differentiated based on their products, SSL certificates, pricing.
Basically SSL certificate secures only a single domain names. But with initiative of different types of certificates multiple sub domains are secured in a single domain name. Some of them are Domain SSL certificate, Organisation Validation (OV) SSL, Wildcard SSL certificate, Multi domain or Subject Alternative Names (SAN), Unified Communications.
How ssl effects seo ranking factor
Google on august 2014 at Google’s I/O conference announced SSL as a ranking signal.To ensure the security and privacy of their consumers, google took a stand on HTTPS with 2048- bit key certificate(2048-bit key length) and made ssl as one of the SEO ranking factors. Google has given 5 % ranking boost if a website contains ssl certificate. This can make a lot of difference for a website to switch from page 2 to page 1. According to google only 1% of the global queries have started shifting from http to https, but slowly it might get strengthen. Better rankings leads to more traffic. More traffic leads to more search results, which in turn users see for a site which is secured and thus improves the site click through rate