SEO Interview Questions - 2017
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Search engine optimization (SEO) Online Training and classroom training to students by real time industry experts by Global ImatrixSlolutions (p) Ltd from Hyderabad, India. For more details contact us on 9000866282.mail us at :

What are LSI keywords?
Latent Semantic Indexing keywords are the keywords related to your primary keyword search in Google search engine. These are the keywords related to your main term. Google looks out for related keywords(LSI), rather than repeated keywords(keyword density). The best tool for LSI is “Google Search” itself, because when you write the keyword in “search query field”, it automatically delivers the related keywords beneath the page as “searches related to”
What is robots.txt ?
Robots.txt is a file created by webmasters indicating the search engine bots on what to crawl and index and what not to crawl in a website by giving them the instructions “allow” or “disallow” command. These are helpful in ignoring of duplicate pages by search engines
What is cloaking ?
Cloaking is illegal and black hat seo practice where the content is created in 2 distinct pages, content presented to spiders is entirely different as presented to regular users. This is often used for higher ranking and misleading the spider, where they can read the HTML text while the users will have only images and flash
What is the Cloaking technique ?
Cloaking is generally done by modifying a file called .htaccess. Apache server also has a module called “mod_rewrite”. with the help of the module “mod_rewrite” into .htaccess, one can apply for a cloaking technique to web pages. webmaster collects IP address and user agents. Module “mod_rewrite” detects the IP address or user agents belonging to search engine and delivers a server side script of different version of web page. In case, if it does not belong to crawler, then normal pages are delivered.
What is Google Sandbox ?
Sandbox is the filter which contains less authoritative and new websites done by Google, which wants to rank higher in search engine. It is specially designed for spammers and seo who want to rank high by manipulating search engines by satisfying onsite and offsite seo factors
What is the difference between Google Sandbox and Google Ban?
Google Sandbox is the filter executed by Google, for new website from ranking higher, for certain period of time. After waiting for long time or on an average of at least six month, your website is seen in search engine.
Google Ban is completely deleting of website from search engine. You can get back your site from banning by sending the inclusion request to Google, and making improvisation in the elements which led to ban of site.
What is the difference between SEO and SEM ?
SEO is the technique through which a website is optimised and placed in top pages in search engine.
SEM is the technique/paid search of gaining traffic by purchasing ads on search engines. This process is usually called as first cum first. The higher the amount is bidded, the ad is placed on top position in query page.
What do you know about keyword streaming ?
Keyword streaming is selecting and analysing the best keywords to your website, for ranking high by adding prefix and suffix to it.
What are the mostly used SEO tools?
Keyword Search, Google Analytic, Google Webmaster, Alexa ranker, open site explorer
If you have a launched a website, what is the first thing you are going to do?
Submit url to google
How is a website made search engine friendly?
Optimised keywords, strong backlinks, anchor text, outbound links, etc.,
What is meant by parasite seo pages ?
It is the shortcut to rank higher in SERP. It is the method of adding website content, images, links to the other website which is already doing well, only by getting registered, without any verification. Examples :,
What is SES?
Search Engine Saturation (SES), is the amount of space,occupied by search engine in SERP. it also includes images, ads, etc.,