what is SSL and HTTPS - Google recent update September 2014
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Google Announces HTTPS/SSL Update — August 6, 2014
Each person who surf web need quality information so every website need to maintain quality and genuine information to get best ranking in Google. But secure websites are an absolute necessity for many companies such as net banking servicing sites, defence servicing sites. Now how Google treats these websites. Is Google on its way to giving special treatment to secure sites?
Security is a top priority for Google. We making sure that which servicing our services use industry-leading security, like strong HTTPS encryption by default. That means for example that people using Search, Gmail and Google Drive, for example, automatically have a secure connection to Google.
- Google Starts Giving A Ranking Boost To Secure HTTPS/SSL Sites
- Google has announced that going HTTPS — adding a SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your site — will give you a minor ranking boost.
- Google says this gives websites a small ranking benefit, only counting as a “very lightweight signal” within the overall ranking algorithm.
- Google want to encourage “all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web.”
What is SSL?
SSL protocol used on the web for protection is SSL (Secure Socket Layer) .
Encrypting website data so that data sent from the browser to the server and vice versa is protected.
Authenticating your website so visitors know you are who you say you are
HTTPS just means HTTP with SSL.
What is HTTPS?
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a secure version of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (http). HTTPS allows secure ecommerce transactions, such as online banking.
Web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox display a padlock icon to indicate that the website is secure, as it also displays https:// in the address bar.
When a user connects to a website via HTTPS, the website encrypts the session with a Digital Certificate. A user can tell if they are connected to a secure website if the website URL begins with https:// instead of http://.
Why would you want SSL?
You are accepting or transmitting sensitive data such as user details and billing information and need to keep it safe
You want to secure logins and signups on your site
You need to comply with privacy and security requirements
You want users to trust your site
Is it compulsory to have https on e-commerce site?
simple answer is 'yes'…why you need means.................
If you don't use HTTPS, but plain HTTP, then:
You will get hacked; credit card numbers will be stolen while in transit, and customers will sue you into oblivion.
You would be hacked anyway at some point, that's the lot of Web sites. Even if the hacker entered by some other way, post-mortem analysis will show the lack of SSL, and this will look real bad.
You will lose customers. Many potential customers won't enter their credit card number, for lack of the reassuring padlock picture; they will instead shop at a competitor's Web site.
So you are not mandated by Law to use HTTPS, but if you do not, your business will fail.