Why you should learn PHP after HTML, CSS, and JavaScript....
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When should I learn PHP:
PHP is server side scripting language. If you want to make your career in webdesining field/ web scripting then PHP is going to give a kick start to your career. With PHP, you can do things like create username and password login pages, check details from a form, create forums, picture galleries, surveys, and lot more. If you seriously want to make up your career the read the article Simple tips for PHP Beginners and choosing career as PHP is best decision ever taken. And then give your heart a chance to decide your career view.
The topic why should you learn PHP after html, css and javaScript was discussed in lynda.com blog by blogger Ray Villalobos. It goes in this way..
Earlier in my design career I read an insightful book Websites that Work. One of his rules of design was that after black and white, red was the third color. White is the brightest color, and black has the most contrast to white, but red is the color that gives you the most bang for the buck if you're looking to get your text noticed. That three-color premise makes me think back to development languages specifically, which are important, why they are important, and in what order they should be approached.
I'm a big fan of PHP, and much like red, I think it's the language that will give you the biggest bang for your learning buck. I propose that after you learn HTML/CSS, the next thing you should learn is JavaScript, and the third thing you should learn is PHP. You might argue that HTML and CSS are two different things, but I see them as the key semantic and layout combination of the web, so I consider them one item bundled together.